Harmful Algae Blooms are Causing Manatees to Starve

Harmful Algae Blooms are Causing Manatees to Starve

In 2021 we lost over 1,100 Manatees, over twice the average death rate, because harmful algae blooms are causing manatees to starve. In recent years, the Indian River Lagoon System has suffered from harmful Algae blooms nearly every summer. In 2021 algae blooms...
Brown Pelican Facts

Brown Pelican Facts

The brown pelican is one of the most fascinating birds to watch hunt in the lagoon system. They soar through the air, scanning the surface for mainly fish. Once they have locked on, they will dive into the water headfirst up to three feet below the surface. I Have a...
Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Herons

The Great blue heron is one of the largest birds in the Banana River and Indian River lagoons. They have long necks, beaks, and legs as well. Great blue herons are wading birds, meaning they wade into the water and do their fishing and scavenging. A Common Question:...





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